Dhaka Republic is a fashion boutique’s first retail outlet that strives to develop their own products along with locally produced garments and different international brands under one roof. An important aspect of the project was the utilization of a 25-year-old building previously used by a bank for the last 10 years. The key responsibility was to create a contemporary, trendy and welcoming environment together with such an appeal that effortlessly adulates and caters people.
Set against a dense urbane frame, the built form required a simple yet sleek outlook that could carry people into the internal space with ease.
Addition of a new envelope with the existing load bearing structure where project was facing time crunch, led the use prefabricated steel as the major construction material. The steel and glass manifests transparency and welcoming feel and enhances visual connectivity to the streets within its urban domain. Apart from it, the interior was decked with matt finished tiles and display units mostly made of metal frames and veneered boards with varnish and paint finish.